Logic vs Reasoning; Differences and Similarities

Logic and reasoning are both mental skills that help us think critically and rationally. However, they are not exactly the same thing. Logic is a set of formal rules or standards that guide proper reasoning, while reasoning is the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from given information. Logic can be seen as a science […]

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Liberty’s Torch

The year is 2570, mankind divided into two distinct camps, the Regs and Progs. Tired of the constant battle and continual repair of the damage of the others to the environment, the Progs left their dying planet to its fate. That was one hundred years ago, the Progs now reside on a ring in temporary […]

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Why Do I Even Bother?

Sometimes I ask myself why I even bother doing this, or anything on the internet. I never come up with a definitive answer, yet I keep going on. While I appreciate those who do actually engage with me, I find it a bit depressing that nobody beyond my regulars even bother. I have two or […]

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