Micronauts by Bill Mantlo & Michael Golden

In our trailer, when the temperature goes anywhere near triple digits (Fahrenheit), Mrs. Multiverse and I sequester ourselves in our tiny bedroom. It’s the only room where our sad little RV aircon can almost keep up. We can get that room to about 78 degrees when our other rooms are 85 – 90. We’d go […]

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Comic Covers: The Micronauts #7 1979

Comic Covers: The Micronauts number seven from 1979… the cover tells a whole story. This cover was crafted by Michael Golden and Joe Rubinstein. The dynamic positions of Acroyer and Bug looking behind them at the looming snake is wonderful! The coloring could have been better, but that in no way takes away from the […]

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2021 Digital Art Gallery (Updated 5 Feb)

I’ve had some serious artist block since last September, then in April things started loosening up. This quarantine thing has really agreed with me. There have been a few outright flat misses but I feel that these represent some improvements in my overall style. The key has been, no matter how happy I am with a result, I can erase and do better. While there is still a ton of room for improvement, I am satisfied with where I am heading… and having just turned 50, I am happy with any progress at all.

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