Hobby Japan: Produce a High Detail “Gun Barrel Strike” with thorough streak carving

Today on the HobbyJapan site, Streak Carving. Yet another thing that my Essential Tremors prohibit me from doing. It’s a really neat effect, and when applied, can make your affordable models look like their higher-grade counterparts. To read the article, you’ll need a browser that will translate pages for you. γ“γ‚ŒγŒγ‚¨γƒ³γƒˆγƒͺーグレード!? εΎΉεΊ•ηš„γͺγ‚Ήγ‚Έε½«γ‚Šγ§γƒγ‚€γƒ‡γ‚£γƒ†γƒΌγƒ«γͺγ€Œγ‚¬γƒ³γƒγƒ¬γƒ«γ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ©γ‚€γ‚―γ€γ‚’θ£½δ½œγ€HJ WebδΊΊζ°—θ¨˜δΊ‹Pick up】 A […]

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Giant Robot and Kaiju Cross-Sections

Some of my favorite illustrations to look closely at, are cross-section pieces. To see how an artist has envisioned the inner workings of any given being or mech is really fun. I had an acquaintance in high school that would do very intrigue cross-sections of anime robots. It was really enjoyable watching the process in […]

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